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Privacy Policy


Personal Data

Our company respecting the absolutely Greek and Community legislation that conditions the Personal Data takes the all necessary measures and the most advanced technology, so that is ensured the biggest possible effort of protection of personal data of users of present web page. We process and we only use your personal data provided that you have given your explicit authorisation for the use of concrete operations of web page (eg. newsletter,  communication with the company Mr lp.), while the user should know that he can visit the present web page, without it is essential any information with character of personal data.
The company safeguards the personal character of elements that provides for her the user, according to the provisions of law 2472/1997 peri Protection of Individual from the Treatment of Data of Personal Character, as modified he is in effect today, and him he does not transmit in anyone third (individual or legal) for no reason, with the exception of relative provisions of law and to the responsible only juridicial, police and other administrative beginnings, then legal demand their and according to each time being in effect legislative provisions.
Our company maintains files with the personal elements, which dispatches the user, exclusively for reasons of communication, while in no case we did not exploit commercial the personal data of user, via renting or exchange with third person.

Electronic Traces  - Cookies

The electronic traces  (cookies)  they are small files of text that can be stored in the hard disk of visitors of various web pages.
The present web page is able it uses cookies for the recognition of users, the storage of their certain preferences, the recognition of repeated access in our web page, on her improvement,  other and for statistical reasons. The user maintains the right to regulate his transporter at such way, so that it informs him for the use cookies in certain services and in this way or it allows the use or no. Even if the user rejects cookies,  it can make use of web page, it is likely however it is only limited in the use of certain operations.

Informative bulletins  – Newsletters

The present web page provides in the user the possibility of registering itself in  lists  (mailing lists)  for the receipt of Informative Bulletins  (Newsletters)  our company, after first it gives the elements that will be asked to him in the corresponding form, the content of which are protected according to the policy of secrecy, as it was analyzed above. The user maintains the right any moment him wishes he is erased by the corresponding lists.

Modification of web page and terms of use 

Our company can per all moment change the content and the information that is contained in the web page but also in the present terms, mainly because their harmonisation with new laws, but also their improvement. Each relative modification will be incorporated in the present legal note and tekmairetai amachita that the user has been informed and accepts him unconditionally. We want, therefore, we draw the attention in the user, so that is informed, each time front it uses our web page, the last publication of present terms.
Applicable Right and Jurisdiction

Αρμόδια για την επίλυση πάσης διαφοράς εκ του παρόντος ορίζονται τα Δικαστήρια των Αθηνών, σύμφωνα με το ελληνικό δίκαιο.


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