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Shipping & Delivery

16. Expenses of Mission / Dorean delivery

For orders up to  30 euros   :

  • The cost of transport is free of charge for all Greece and Cyprus.
  •  In the case of payment with Paypal,  are in not effect any additional expenses.
  • In the case antikatabolis are in effect expenses of payment  0,00   .



For orders below  30 euros     :

  • The cost of transport is shaped in   2   for Attica,  3  for Greek province and  4,70  for Cyprus.
  • In the case antikatabolis, are in effect expenses of transaction 1,00  now the expenses of transport.
  • In the case of payment with Paypal,  are in not effect any additional expenses.

Note : the orders ano the 6 kilos are delivered from collaborating depending on the region figurative companies. We will at the latest inform you with regard to the cost of figurative in  24 hours from your order.

17. Delay of order

In completely exceptional cases, your order delays probably for the following reasons:

  1. The product has delayed it is sent by our supplier: Exist cases where our order can delay in the custom or in his transport, so that we do not have him in our deposits when we calculate. In a such case, epikoinonisoyme together you in order to you we ask if you want we execute par' all these the order without this product or to you we propose certain alternative. This type we will immediately send to you him afterwards his receipt in our deposits.
  2. The product that you ordered has been suppressed and he is not available: Between the abundance of products that we expose in our electronic shop exist infrequent cases where their supplier suddenly and aproeidopoiita announces that he suppresses him. In this case, her employee Skinn Hellas epikoinonisei immediately together you in order to you it informs for the potential alternative solutions.
  3. In periods of extreme meteorological phenomena or strikes as well as in any case superior violence, that is able it influences the transport and delivery of your order.
  4. In the event that is impossible telephone and/or via electronic post  (e-mail)  communication together you (if is presented some problem in your order, or in combination the product or in combination his payment) because pch your elements that you have registered are not right informed.

In any case, provided that inside sixty (60) days from per year dispatch of order the object of order has not been delivered still in his recipient, the recipient has right, with the completion of parapano deadline, to retrack from the order.


18. Retraction

Have the right to return the products that you bought, azimios, and without you are compelled to announce to us the reason for which you wish their return, inside deadline of dekatessaron (14) calendar days from the date that him you will receive, dispatching to us supplemented attachedstatement retraction and under the condition that they can be returned in their initial situation. In this case you it only overloads the direct cost of return of products.


For the reject of your own discomfort, good it is you check carefully at the moment of delivery of order your situation of sold products and intact their packing, so that they are realised by any chance obvious faults (eg. broken merchandise, etc). In the case where you realise some fault, it should epikoinonisete with our electronic shop immediately afterwards the delivery and at the latest the next weekday day, in  til. 216   700   6057  or via electronic post, in the addressinfo@skinn.gr


Returns become acceptable only provided that the products that you wish to return are found in the same situation in which you received him, that is to say do not have aposfragisthei and have not been forced their packing or their all kinds pointings out, and provided that they are accompanied with the relative proof of retail sale.


The company is held for each claim of compensation from in general deterioration of situation of products. Alone the receipt of returned products cannot be interpreted as their unconditional receipt and it does not have as consequence the damping of claims of compensation or her other rights Skinn Hellas.

For the confrontation of faults or lacks of stipulated attributes in the sold types are in effect the forecasts of urban code. In order to is considered a attribute stipulated, it will be supposed it is certified as such writtenly by both parts.


In the event return of products and, on one side with the way that you selected to pay your order and afeteroy with the way that will be realised their return, the return of your money will proportionally be completed inside thirty (30) calendar days by the date that we will receive the products. The return can become on credit your account that you will notify in   Skinn   Hellas.


Moreover, in the all cases should the returned product be accompanied essentially with the original proof of market. Also, in the all above cases the returned products should be found in the situation that was received by the customer, complete and without deteriorations and their packing she is the one that regularly accompanies the product (to be in most excellent situation, with the all documents which accompanied the product (eg. Ap. Retail and so on). Before each return, it is recommended it precedes agreement with her department of service  Skinn   Hellas.

In any case, the return it is feasible under the condition you have epikoinonisete the same day or the next weekday day with the Electronic Shop. Also specifically in the event (1) change of product inside  20 days with other or other up to the height of price or with additional price or (2) retraction inside  14 days according to the article 5 par.10 n.2251/1994, the product should not be used. In order to is feasible the return of product, the product should be accompanied from the all essential documents, that prove the transaction (eg. DAT, Ap. Retail and so on).


The present Convention does not influence any rights of consumers that are forecasted by the legislation.



19. Indipendance of conventional terms

If any department of present Convention is proved invalid or inapplicable with decision of court, the remainder Convention will continue being in effect. The invalid and/or not applicable terms will be replaced with terms that would approach as long as is possible the meaning and the aim the invalid or not applicable terms from economic opinion.


20. Cession of rights and substitution in obligations

Skinn  Hellas It is able it contracts agreement on the entrusting of her obligations or her rights in third person. The all notifications should become writtenly (via cheiros, with electronic post,  fax or letter via post of first category, who will be considered delivered 48 her hours afterwards tachydromisi). By any chance delay of exercise of any right logizetai as resignation by what is able it is practised whenever from the parts.


21. Being in effect Right – Jurisdiction

The present Convention will be conditioned by the Greek Right, same the statutes that regulate subjects with regard to the electronic trade, the sales from distance and the protection of consumers, each difference from this will depend in the exclusive competence of courts of Athens.



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